Apocalyptic City:. A chilling place that has seeming grown over night, with roots that touch the entire United States. Its citizens march waving false flags, its fields of corn infested with children and walkers behind rows. And with hypocrisy and paranoia now law, Men with money and fanatical gods can march their army of millions onto an unprepared world. A world that cried all at once, Holy Shit! we are fucked
A magical place:. A place where Alex Jones,spits feces with glee. A bloated corpse of a man who with his frothy poo finger waves wildly in the air and screams "I now have to masturbate into my sisters sock in a dark closet because the vet put a microchip into the cat, which is now staring at me for other reasons besides plotting to be our new species overlords... Oh and the sock is for keeping my stem cells close and away from the reverse vampires, hey look my webpage is made with Frontpage 98." What a dick
A place where truths are what I say they are:
Quacks: (also known as pseudo-scientists, armchair Conspiracy researchers) want only to talk and not listen. They are paranoid with delusions of grandeur: their theory could never be wrong; therefore everyone else's must be. No one will listen to their self-contradictory claims; therefore there must be a world-wide web of conspiracy, lasting generations ( apparently even between opposing sides though cold war and world wars) to promote fantastic theories which, for some unexplained reason, seem sufficient for the design & operation of modern technology
We elected an orange,incestuous con man that instead of draining the swamp he is filling it with more monsters and sewage. We have done what was unthinkable 6 months ago.And the world stares in shocked horror at what is to come.
Your memories are what I tell you:
I mean aren't memories suppose to be cherished? You know the ones I'm talking about, that first kiss, first home run, the first time Uncle Bob touched you, that first touch of Sally's boob (giggity) at that make out party with Styx playing in the background. You know the important stuff.
A place where Science and Nature are enemies of the state:
Our new pseudo-scientists will say: in the nether regions of a place as cold as Ted Williams head (Alaska) lurks some naughty rabbit ears called H.A.R.P. It is the cause of every earthquake, tsunami, Tornado and hurricane since it was built? (I don't know when it was built, and I'm too important to look it up). Apparently, Mother Nature went to get ice cream when we were little and never came back.
Here's a tip folks, and I can't stress this enough. Ready?
Nature does whatever the fuck it wants when it wants.
The earthquakes and the resulting tsunamis, Tornado's, floods, Lightning, Viruses, and everything else that exists, is, in fact a product of nature. Not the Freemasons, Not H.A.R.P., Nazi death rays from beyond the moon, The Galactic Federation of light, or the reptilian agenda that all the kids of today like to talk about. Your Government is not trying to kill you with earthquakes or tornadoes.
Mother Nature is. So you better watch your ass, because it's shark week, chum.
As a paranormal co-host on podcasts The Church of Mabus with Jeffery Pritchett and Citizen Sane with Sasha Christie I've come to the realization that most people who believe in this delusional shit are now running the country. For the first time in my life, I'm scared of my Government and half its citizens,
So ends our little tour, exciting days ahead. We've set our clocks back 100 years. What a time to be alive.
Guy Weddle
My sisters asshole brother
A magical place:. A place where Alex Jones,spits feces with glee. A bloated corpse of a man who with his frothy poo finger waves wildly in the air and screams "I now have to masturbate into my sisters sock in a dark closet because the vet put a microchip into the cat, which is now staring at me for other reasons besides plotting to be our new species overlords... Oh and the sock is for keeping my stem cells close and away from the reverse vampires, hey look my webpage is made with Frontpage 98." What a dick
A place where truths are what I say they are:
Quacks: (also known as pseudo-scientists, armchair Conspiracy researchers) want only to talk and not listen. They are paranoid with delusions of grandeur: their theory could never be wrong; therefore everyone else's must be. No one will listen to their self-contradictory claims; therefore there must be a world-wide web of conspiracy, lasting generations ( apparently even between opposing sides though cold war and world wars) to promote fantastic theories which, for some unexplained reason, seem sufficient for the design & operation of modern technology
A place where a comb over has become a crown of deceit:
Your memories are what I tell you:
I mean aren't memories suppose to be cherished? You know the ones I'm talking about, that first kiss, first home run, the first time Uncle Bob touched you, that first touch of Sally's boob (giggity) at that make out party with Styx playing in the background. You know the important stuff.
A place where Science and Nature are enemies of the state:
Our new pseudo-scientists will say: in the nether regions of a place as cold as Ted Williams head (Alaska) lurks some naughty rabbit ears called H.A.R.P. It is the cause of every earthquake, tsunami, Tornado and hurricane since it was built? (I don't know when it was built, and I'm too important to look it up). Apparently, Mother Nature went to get ice cream when we were little and never came back.
Here's a tip folks, and I can't stress this enough. Ready?
Nature does whatever the fuck it wants when it wants.
The earthquakes and the resulting tsunamis, Tornado's, floods, Lightning, Viruses, and everything else that exists, is, in fact a product of nature. Not the Freemasons, Not H.A.R.P., Nazi death rays from beyond the moon, The Galactic Federation of light, or the reptilian agenda that all the kids of today like to talk about. Your Government is not trying to kill you with earthquakes or tornadoes.
Mother Nature is. So you better watch your ass, because it's shark week, chum.
As a paranormal co-host on podcasts The Church of Mabus with Jeffery Pritchett and Citizen Sane with Sasha Christie I've come to the realization that most people who believe in this delusional shit are now running the country. For the first time in my life, I'm scared of my Government and half its citizens,
So ends our little tour, exciting days ahead. We've set our clocks back 100 years. What a time to be alive.
Guy Weddle
My sisters asshole brother
Wow! More?