And now because of Science, my opinion of Lloyd's theory appears to be going from a snarky "yea right" to a "Holy shit! He's right?" kind of thing. It's cool though, it's alright. I have no problem saying I'm wrong (which I'm not actually saying yet, heh), but In this case I hope I am wrong. Because frankly if is alien, it will be the most important discovery in the history of mankind.
Science has ignored this issue for one reason. Science will not now, or ever, be seen, or associated, with something named Starchild. If you go to Science and say some lady gave me this skull, I think its a skull of an alien baby and I wrote a book about it, Science will tell you to go fuck yourself.
The trick is, have your ducks in a row BEFORE you go public. Data and facts are the key for serious research into issues like this. You don't have to go around wasting precious resources defending yourself and the skull you're pimping. And for fucks sake above everything else, let Science name the damn thing. You know how childish it can be at times.
Thanks to the lovely Sacha Christie for the link.